Web Scraping in R — (Lazy Version)

How I Scraped Jumia, Konga and Jiji to Compare Piano Prices

Kolapo Obajuluwa
5 min readApr 25, 2021

Hi! How’s it going? I’m doing well too, thanks for asking! It’s been two weeks since my last post. Why? Well, let’s just thank God for love and life.

This week, I decided to finally stop procrastinating on my quest to learn web scraping using R. An hour into my research (essentially looking for the minimal-effort-maximum-output way to properly scrape some useful data), I discovered something I’m super excited to share with you! I’ll be sharing the easiest possible ways (I have come up with thus far) to scrape data from Jumia, Konga and Jiji for price comparison.

First of all, the stars of this show are Dr Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden who built a really neat R package called ‘ralger’ along with Ezekiel Ogundepo and Romain François. Please check them out on linkedIn and help me thank them. This package (which is built on rvest) saves our eyes and fingers from using rvest directly to scrape web data. If you’re familiar with the typical piping of functions required when using rvest, you’ll understand the stress I’m talking about.

Justification for Spending my Saturday on this

A couple of months ago, I set out to buy a Yamaha PSR keyboard and boy was it an arduous journey! I was constantly switching between tabs on Konga, Jumia and Jiji to compare prices of these keyboards across the sites for the lowest price and the highest value I could get. If only I had used these scraping techniques, it would have saved me a lot of stress! Hopefully, with this knowledge, you can make your next purchase with much less stress than I did.

As a precursor to following the code, I recommend you watch Dr Mohamed’s 5-minute Youtube Video where he explains different use-cases for this package. You can also follow along using my R script which is available on my github.

Scraping Jumia Data

Jumia was easy (bless their souls!), in four lines of code, I was able to scrape 5 pages of “Yamaha Piano Keyboard” data (names and prices).

All I had to do was supply the URL to be scraped, the CSS classes of the data I wanted to scrape (in this case, names and prices) and the output column names.

Here’s the code I used:

# load relevant packages
library(pacman) # neat package for multi-package installation and loading
p_load(tidyverse, ralger, glue, RSelenium, magrittr, DT, plotly)

n_pages <- 5 # number of pages to be scraped

# Jumia ------------------------------------------------------------

jumia_link <- glue("https://www.jumia.com.ng/catalog/?q=yamaha+piano+keyboard&page={seq(1,n_pages)}")

jumia_nodes <- c(".name" , ".prc")
jumia_names <- c("name", "price")

jumia_data <- tidy_scrap(jumia_link, jumia_nodes, jumia_names)

And that’s it. The glue function coupled with tidy_scrap’s (pronounced as ”scrape” lol) in-built looping functionality let me conquer pagination on the Jumia site and scrape 5 pages easily.

Scraping Konga Data

Konga was a little tricky as it was built using React.js, as such, I needed to perform “headless navigation”.

Cue, RSelenium.

This package lets you use the Selenium WebDriver APIs with R. Essentially, with it, you can open a web browser, navigate to any URL you please, perform actions like a user would on a browser and close the browser, all without leaving your IDE. Hence, headless navigation.

For Konga, you’d technically have to navigate to each page to read its html, hence the need for RSelenium.

Here’s the code I used:

# Konga ------------------------------------------------------------# start a chrome browser session
rD <-
port = 4446L, # launch session on port 4446
browser = "chrome", # use chrome browser
chromever = "90.0.4430.24", # specify chromedriver version
verbose = FALSE # do not shalaye

remDr <- rD$client

konga_link <-

konga_list <- list()

for (i in seq(1, length(konga_link))) {
remDr$navigate(konga_link[i]) # navigates to site

konga_src <-
remDr$getPageSource()[[1]] # obtains html page as source

konga_nodes <-
c(".af885_1iPzH", ".d7c0f_sJAqi") # note that these may change, use selectortool to verify.

konga_names <- c("name", "price")

konga_datav1 <- tidy_scrap(konga_src, konga_nodes, konga_names)

konga_list[[i]] <- konga_datav1 # saves data in a list
konga_data <-
do.call("bind_rows", konga_list) # binds list content into one dataframe

After instantiating the browser session using the rsDriver function, I looped over each page, got the data I needed and stored it to an empty list. Once that was done, I appended the rows together from each page to get one dataframe for all 5 pages.

Scraping Jiji Data

Last but certainly not least, there was Jiji. Jiji was not built using React.js BUT it has infinite scrolling. This was tricky to navigate as the full page doesn’t load on entry, the further down you scroll, the more content is loaded.

So I came up with a trick to work around this. I didn’t source for the page’s HTML until I had “scrolled” sufficiently down the page. This was done by writing a quick function to scroll down to the end of the page, then go up a nudge to initialize loading new content below. This function was then replicated n times using the replicate function (go figure!).

# Jiji -------------------------------------------------------------

jiji_link <- "https://jiji.ng/search?query=yamaha%20psr"


webElem <- remDr$findElement("css", "body")

jijiScroll <- function() {
webElem$sendKeysToElement(list(key = "end"))
webElem$sendKeysToElement(list(key = "up_arrow"))
webElem$sendKeysToElement(list(key = "end"))

replicate(n_pages, jijiScroll())

jiji_src <- remDr$getPageSource()[[1]]

jiji_nodes <-
c(".b-advert-title-inner--h3", # css class of item name
".qa-advert-price", # css class of item price
".b-list-advert__item-attr") # css class of item condition

jiji_names <- c("name", "price", "condition")

jiji_datav1 <- tidy_scrap(jiji_src, jiji_nodes, jiji_names)

# end selenium session by killing port use
pid <- rD$server$process$get_pid()system(paste0("Taskkill /F /T" , " /PID ", pid))

After this, it was business as usual, I sourced the page’s html, did a tidy_scrap and got my data. What was left was some cleaning to remove whitespace from the jiji data and I was able to append it to the Jumia and Konga data for one comprehensive database of prices for my beloved Yamaha PSR keyboards.

I added two extra columns to the Jumia and Konga data, “condition” which is always “New” and a “source” column which indicates where the data came from. Just the source column was added to the Jiji data.

Here’s a plot showing the count by source in our database.

It’s html-interactive but not here on Medium, to interact with the plots with all their JavaScript effects(tooltips et al), you want to check out this same post on RPubs

If you’re wondering what I went for, it was a new Yamaha PSR E373 off of Jiji.

Let’s filter for that model (and my budget) and compare across the three sites.

So I went with Jiji for two reasons:

  1. I wanted next-day delivery (which I got).
  2. I wanted to be able to negotiate further with the seller for a cheaper buy (which I did).

All done! I was going for short yet impactful, how did I do?

Hopefully, you can scrape whatever data you want from these sites for yourself by changing the URLs in my script.

Till next time! Stay learning!



Kolapo Obajuluwa

Just a lad passionate about data and all the cool stuff you can do with it!